Seed Variety

Salvia New Dimension™

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Data is gathered from our Elburn, Ill., trials (Zone 5a) for a North American audience. Warm-climate growers: expect 1-2 weeks earlier finishing. Cool-climate growers: expect 1 week slower. Dates based on standard 288 plug size.

Notes/Pitfall Management
Seeds germinate in 3-5 days. After germ (stage 2), dry down to a '3' regularly. Keeping seedlings too wet early on can lead to some abnormal growth. Grow plugs under short day photoperiod for best finished containers. As with all Salvia nemerosa, watch for spider mites and black bacterial leaf spots. Maintain pH 6.2-6.5. Susceptible to micronutrient toxicity.
Week color desired
Sow week
Plug transplant week
Early Spring
(1 ppp)
(3 ppp)
Week color desired
Sow week
Plug transplant week
(1 ppp)
(3 ppp)
Week color desired
Sow week
Plug transplant week
(1 ppp)
(3 ppp)
Salvia New Dimension™ Rose
Salvia New Dimension™ Blue
icon of world
Visit website for variety description and resources.
Seed Form: TRT
PlugSize: 288
Seeds/Cell: 2-4
Plug Crop Weeks: 5-6
Days from 50% to maximum germination: 3-4
Cover Seed: Light cover
Plug Production
Stage 1
Moisture: Level 4
Temperature: 68-72°F
Light: Optional
Stage 2
Moisture: Level 3
Temperature: 65-68°F
Light: 2,000-2,500 fc
(21,500-26,900 Lux)
Fertilizer: Less than 100 ppm N
(Less than 0.7 EC)
Stage 3
Moisture: Level 2
Temperature: 60-65°F
Light: 2,000-2,500 fc
(21,500-26,900 Lux)
Fertilizer: 100 to 175 ppm N
(0.7 to 1.2 EC)
Stage 4
Moisture: Level 2
Temperature: 60-65°F
Light: 4,000-5,000 fc
(43,100-53,800 Lux)
Fertilizer: 100 to 175 ppm N
(0.7 to 1.2 EC)
Vernalization: No
Propagation Key Tips: Critical Daylength: 14 hours.
Short day (10 hours) bulk needed for forcing.
For forcing info: See Perennials Forcing Guide.
Spray damp-off fungicide.
Growing on to Finish
Growing on Temperature: (day) 60-72°F (16-22°C)
(night) 50-59°F (10-15°C)
Target Media pH/EC (1:2): 5.5-6.2 pH
0.9-1.3 mmhos/cm
Fertilizer: 175 to 225 ppm N
(1.2 to 1.5 EC)
Daylength: Facultative Long Day
Daylength Notation: For forcing info: See Perennials Forcing Guide.
Fertilizer Notation: Apply fertilizer at rate 1 to 2 (100 to 125 ppm N/1.2 to 1.5 mmhos/cm EC) or 150 ppm as needed. Maintain the pH at 5.5 to 6.2.
Bulking Strategy: See Perennial Forcing chart in Product Information Guide.
Finishing Key Tips: Grow relatively dry. Avoid leaf yellowing caused by high pH (Fe) and/or low N when generative. Spray weekly with Bittersalt MGSO4 1g/liter. Monitor for Spider Mites, Rhizoctonia, Leafspot and Root Rot. Wet after transplant with preventive spray.