Vegetative Variety

Polemonium pulcherrimum Golden Feathers

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Data is gathered from our West Grove, Pa., trials (Zone 6a). Southern growers: expect 1-2 weeks earlier finishing. Northern growers: 1 week slower. Consider summertime scheduling accurate. Dates based on a standard 72 liner size.

Notes/Pitfall Management
Requires overwintering for flowering. Excellent grown first year for foliage only.
Week color desired
TC stick week
Liner transplant week
Early Spring
(1 ppp)
Week color desired
TC stick week
Liner transplant week
(1 ppp)
Better vigor grown in part shade. Full shade will give slower growth
Week color desired
TC stick week
Liner transplant week
(1 ppp)
Better vigor grown in part sun. Excessive summer heat during production will delay finish.
Polemonium pulcherrimum Golden Feathers
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Visit website for variety description and resources.
Propagation Guide
Media EC/pH: EC 0.75-0.80 mmhos/pH 5.8-6.2
Soil Temperature: 68-72°F (21-22°C)
Rooting Hormone: None
Mist: Low mist or tenting
Fertilization: Balanced fertilizer 50-75 ppm once rooted to the bottom
Pinching: None
Transplanting: 7-8 weeks after sticking
Comments: This is a tissue culture raised item. Please see our detailed tissue culture propagation guide at
Finishing Guide
Media pH: 5.8-6.2
Temperature: Nights: 50 to 55°F (10 to 13°C) Days: 60 to 65°F (16 to 18°C)
Light Level (fc): 1,500 to 2,500
Vernalization: Yes
Daylength: Day length neutral
Watering: Allow media to dry slightly between watering.
Fertilization: Use a balanced fertilizer at a rate of 100 to 125 ppm.
Pinch After Transplant: None
Plant Growth Regulators: PGRs generally not needed
Pests and Fungal Diseases: Pythium and rhizoctonia can result from overwatering.