Seed Variety

Lobelia Starship™

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Data is gathered from our Elburn, Ill., trials (Zone 5a) for a North American audience. Warm-climate growers: expect 1-2 weeks earlier finishing. Cool-climate growers: expect 1 week slower. Dates based on standard 288 plug size.

Notes/Pitfall Management
Seed can be difficult to germinate. Refer to GrowerFacts for best practices. If plugs are grown under long days, finished containers will only have one thin flower spike with no bulk on the plant. Avoid oversaturation.
Week color desired
Sow week
Plug transplant week
Early Spring
(1 ppp)
Plugs must be grown under short days until the 10 true leaf stage for full and uniform flowering. Apply long day lighting beginning at transplant. 128 plug or larger is recommended for Spring finish.
Week color desired
Sow week
Plug transplant week
(1 ppp)
Plugs must be grown under short days until the 10 true leaf stage for full and uniform flowering. Apply long day lighting beginning at transplant. 128 plug or larger is recommended for late Spring/early Summer finish.
Week color desired
Sow week
Plug transplant week
(1 ppp)
Plugs must be grown under short days until the 6 true leaf stage for full and uniform flowering. Transplant into natural long days.
Lobelia Starship™ Rose
Lobelia Starship™ Blue
Lobelia Starship™ Burgundy
Lobelia Starship™ Scarlet Bronze Leaf
Lobelia Starship™ Scarlet
icon of world
Visit website for variety description and resources.
Seed Form: PEL
PlugSize: 288
Seeds/Cell: 1
Plug Crop Weeks: 8-10
Days from 50% to maximum germination: 8-14
Cover Seed: Light cover
Plug Production
Stage 1
Moisture: Level 4
Temperature: 72-77°F
Light: Light
Stage 2
Moisture: Level 4-3
Temperature: 68-73°F
Light: 2,000-2,500 fc
(21,500-26,900 Lux)
Fertilizer: Less than 100 ppm N
(Less than 0.7 EC)
Stage 3
Moisture: Level 3
Temperature: 65-68°F
Light: 2,000-2,500 fc
(21,500-26,900 Lux)
Fertilizer: 100 to 175 ppm N
(0.7 to 1.2 EC)
PGR: daminozide/1,500-2,500 ppm/Spray
Stage 4
Moisture: Level 3-2
Temperature: 60-65°F
Light: 4,000-5,000 fc
(43,100-53,800 Lux)
Fertilizer: 100 to 175 ppm N
(0.7 to 1.2 EC)
PGR: daminozide/1,500-2,500 ppm/Spray
Vernalization: No
Propagation Key Tips: Critical Daylength: 13 hours.
Short day (10 hours) bulk needed for forcing.
Spring forcing for Week 19 sales: Use 72 plug.
Fall forcing for Week 36 sales: Use 288 plug.
For more forcing info: See Perennials Forcing Guide.
Needs light for germination, but avoid drying out (light vermiculite cover advised). Grow plugs at 10 hours or less for at least the first 8 weeks from sowing to keep vegetative. Keep medium moisture level 4 and RH 80% on Stage 1; not too wet! Upon removal from Germ chamber, place in prop house with bottom heat (70°F/21°C). Use very light mist to maintain high humidity (70%+). When media reaches level 3, trays need to be mist watered again. Trays would stay in propagation under mist up to 3 weeks. Starship Deep Rose has 7 to 10 days longer plug lead time, due to a slower start.
Growing on to Finish
Growing on Temperature: (day) 65-70°F (18-21°C)
(night) 60-65°F (16-18°C)
Target Media pH/EC (1:2): 5.8-6.6 pH
1.1-1.3 mmhos/cm
Fertilizer: 175 to 225 ppm N
(1.2 to 1.5 EC)
Daylength Notation: Long Day Plants. Scarlet is a Facultative Long Day plant that flowers faster at 13 hours or longer.
See Perennials Forcing Guide for more info on scheduling and plug size and treatments.
Forcing for Summer and Autumn sales target Weeks 35 or later. Sow Week 15 to 17, using 288 trays. Grow plugs under 10-hour short-day conditions using black cloth until ready to transplant. Allow about 8 to 9 weeks during Summer production. After short-day treatment, transplant to final container and grow under natural long days. Outdoor production is recommended. Total crop time is approximately 19 to 20 weeks.
Fertilizer Notation: Starship generally needs moderate fertilization. Apply fertilizer at rate 2 (between 100 to 190 ppm N; 0.7 to 1.3 mmhos/cm). Maintain soil pH at 5.8 to 6.4 and soil EC at 1.1 to 1.3 mmhos/cm.
Bulking Strategy: For early sales, it needs to be bulked 13 to 15 wks (from sowing ) in 10-hour short day to 10 true leaves; then possible to finish for Mother's day (week 19). See Quick Study Forcing in this Product Information Guide.
Finishing Key Tips: Avoid drought stress. Grow evenly moist but not wet. Monitor for Snails, Slugs, Root and Crown Rot, Pythium, Phytophthora (if too wet). Control Thrips, as Lobelia is very susceptible to INSV damage.